The benchmark for your computer and electronic recycling

Greater Montreal

Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Renaissance – Fripe-Prix Pie-IX in Montreal

More than 1000 drop-off points throughout Montreal near you. Safe & Ecological.

Recyclable material: Computer, LCD, Printer, Screen, Accessory, Portable, Electronics.

Drop-off points

More than 1000 drop-off points throughout Quebec near you

Free Collection

Collection service in 48 hours & 100% Free. Safe & Ecological.

Recyclable Material

Computer, LCD, Printer, Screen, Accessory, Laptop, Electronics
We accept all computer hardware without exception!
Computers, Servers, Motherboards, PC Cards, Memories, Processors, Mixed Cables, Hard Drives, Circuits, Power Supply, Laptops, Boards, Switches, Routers, Network Hardware, CD & DVD Players, Batteries, Heatsinks, Chillers, Cell Phones, UPS, Transformers, Lead Batteries, Adapters (Portable & Electronics), Cathode & LCD Displays, Printers & Any Other Computer or Electronic Equipment.

We collect computer equipment at Renaissance – Fripe-Prix Pie-IX in Montreal

If you have defective or damaged computer equipment that you would like to get rid of (batteries, computers, television, etc.), there is no need to throw them in your trash. This practice would only aggravate the climatic phenomenon we are currently experiencing.


In order to overcome this situation correctly, please contact our team of professionals who will be happy to remove you from this electronic clutter.

Or recycle your computer in Montreal?

Drop-off point

Renaissance – Fripe-Prix Pie-IX in Montreal